Monday, March 3, 2025

Lunar Communications Relay and Navigation Systems (LCRNS)

NASA's Lunar Communications Relay and Navigation Systems (LCRNS) project is an initiative aimed at enabling a robust communication and navigation infrastructure around the Moon. Establishing a network of communication relay satellites in lunar orbit will enable continuous and reliable communication between Earth and lunar missions, even in locations where the Earth is not directly visible from the Moon. Today (March 3rd 2025) 2 documents were published for the project "Testset for Cis-Lunar Communications and Navigation" and "Onboard Processing for LunaNet Data Services"

The Lunar Base (Compton–Belkovich Thorium Anomaly) I proposed is on the far side of the Moon, the possible water deposits lay on the South Pole. Therefore, LCRNS is a prerequisite for future Moon and Mars missions. Wish the system was developed by an international consortium rather than NASA alone.

LCRNS Project website

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