GNP (Gross National Product) is the value of all finished goods and services produced by a country's citizens, both domestically and abroad. Short lifetime non serviceable products reduce GNP of nations. The consumers keep spending money on the products but the GNP stays the same because total number of products active stays the same as the short lifetime non serviceable products fills landfills and drop from the GNP of the nation. I recommend nations to come together and develop and mandate standards for longer lifetime and serviceable products within their countries, especially EU. The operating systems and firmware deployments could be centralized. Companies' intellectual property rights could be protected with pre-defined standards for software deployment. These standards would fix most product failures due to software issues, else these products turn to bricks. For critical failure parts more reliable parts should be used, ex: stainless steel screws instead of easy rusting cheap metal screws, some critical parts can be replaced by metal parts. Avoiding propriety standards by companies, ex: old iPhone jack. Developing reliable and durable connections for communication and power transfer, at the moment all standards use cheap technologies for electro mechanical contact including all USB and HDMI technologies. The inflated cost due to increased standards can be overcome by direct sales of these products eliminating the intermediary resellers, making them modular and splitting the outlook from the technology, ex: change the color of a speaker via colored shell not by producing each colored product individually.
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