The solution to the world's energy problem as well as long range space travel is Fusion. There is numerous research conducted on the topic. However, the progress is very slow and not promising. I propose to search the solution close to the Sun, the Fusion source of our Solar System. There are two planets on the way to the Sun. Mercury and Venus. Going and coming back from Venus is much easier than going to Mars or other planets. Venus is the closest planet to the Earth. While travelling to Venus, the Sun's gravity acts positive. Also path to Venus has much less meteorites on the way compared to Mars. Establishing a research base on Venus is much easier while the energy is abundant and free, the heat of the atmosphere. It is like working in an oven. Dense atmosphere allows air travel so large distances can be covered on the surface. When you have continuous high energy source, you can mine anything and can convert them to anything to build your base as well as convert them to rocket fuel to explore Mercury and beyond in order to come up with a feasible Fusion solution.
When you succeed in developing a Fusion Rocket, sending humans safely to Mars and moons of Saturn and safely bringing them back would be much easier.
Sometimes in order to solve a problem you have to go to the opposite way.
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