Saturday, January 11, 2025

Dry Ice Fire Fighting Drone

Countries that allocate billions of dollars to armaments have stock pile of weapons stored waiting to be used. I propose them stock pile dry ice bombs as well. It serves dual purpose. The main goal is to fight against the fire. Dry ice by its cold temperature cools down the fire. The heated dry ice change from solid to gaseous carbon dioxide which is heavier than oxygen isolates the burning material from oxygen in the atmosphere. The result is a very effective way of putting out the fire. The dry ice bomb may include a small explosive in the center to disperse the dry ice to a wider area. The bomb would be dropped from autonomous drones and planes. The bombs would be just an environmentally friendly seal, dry ice and a small explosive in the center. The second benefit of the bomb is, it's a storage medium for the carbon dioxide. Coal power plants would produce these bombs as a byproduct and emit much less carbon to the atmosphere.

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