One of the problems with wind traditional electric generators is the noise they make. Therefore, they cannot be placed close to the residential areas. I thought of using tethered balloons that generate electricity from the swinging of the floating balloon. The piezo films at the ground would generate the electricity with minimum moving parts and noise. Piezo films require much less mechanical parts than a motor generator and piezo igniter-based generators. They may even mounted on top of the buildings. Due to balloons lifting effect, piezo film wind generator's net weight on the roof would be low. I recommend carbon nanotube (CNT) strands to be used as the tether due to their strength and low weight. Carbon Nanotube strands can be produced as long as 250m. High altitude would allow higher electric generation efficiency compared to short tower-based generators. More importantly with much less noise. This design makes the wind electric generation a possibility at deserts. The desert wind storms damage the bearings of the traditional wind turbines in short time. Additionally, the piezo wind electric generators would require less maintenance, only balloon refilling when required. Piezo films do not produce huge powers compared to large electric dynamos. However, their more deployment area possibility is a big bonus for the renewable electric generation ecosystem.
Finally, the piezo films can be laid under the road anti skidding surfaces to generate electricity from the slowing vehicles. They don't require mechanical systems like the other piezo electric generating systems.
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