Advancement in space requires manufacturability in space. The parts that can be put to orbit are limited in size even with folding them. I propose a Space Construction Hub like ISS but fully automated (all robots no humans). Large structures will be manufactured using open space manufacturing. Most of the manufacturing area will have no closed structure and open to Space. Only docking hub and control systems will be in confined modules.
I had the inspiration from Ford F3T in 2013 and a decade later Machine Labs sheet metal forming robots. (videos below). Cold processing of metal sheets allows an open space manufacturing. Large structures will be put into shape from rolled sheet metal and will be attached to each other by riveting. The goal is to have the minimum temperature dependency during the shaping and assembly.
The Space Construction Hub will orbit above the space debris region but close to Earth to lower transportation costs. All hubs will be designed for robots only lowering the cost. If a repair is needed first option will be using robots to do the task and the last will be sanding humans on a special hub. If don't force our designs to be fully automated (including problem solving) we can never achieve the goal of Space colonization.
Once the hub is ready, I propose it to build giant sun reflectors. Current solar panels are delegate and loose considerable power when struck by space junk. A reflector deforming would have minimal effect because the electric will be generated using concentrated sun light.
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