Monday, January 6, 2025


Traditional mining is mainly opening tunnels following the ore vein and excavating the ore to the surface. My proposition is to use very long warm like robots that is modular and expands for a long distance. Some of the sections are: drilling bits with motor shaft, XRF analyzer and flexible section connector.  After a potential mining site is found, the mining robot will be send to drill the ground. As the robot drills down the ground the drilling screw skin will push the drilled rocks to the surface like an Archimedes screw. XRF analyzers build on the robot sections will detect the composition of the rock being drilled and direct the robot to drill in the ore vein direction. When a vein ends, the robot would reverse the drilling direction and move back to the surface and search other directions. Depending on the mining field's size more than one robot can be deployed.

The mining robot will work with electricity generated by renewable sources established on site.

XRF (X-Ray Fluorescence) analyzers are used to identify presence of a wide range of elements, namely every single element that is located between sodium and uranium in periodic table.

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