Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Approaches to Space Conquer

Jules Verne in his "De la Terre à la Lune" states that only America has the capacity to cast such a huge cannon and produce large quantities of gun powder in short time; with good coordination and collaboration.  Europe on paper can be a Union but collaboration and coordination within the Union lack way behind the UNITED States of America.  The key to success in space is to be able to send an object to the space at a lower cost. US's private sector focus on this problem mainly and are more open to experiment new risky ideas than any other nation. And we see that it pays off. Europe's resources are more dispersed on scientific research. I recommend Europe to put a hold on most of the scientific research on space and solve the low-cost space travel problem first. Otherwise, they will keep lagging behind and their expensive space launches would be limited to military only.

Europe cannot think simple and come up with simpler ways of solving a problem. In 1930s RCA (Radio Corporation of America) came up with an "All American Five" radio design. It was cheaper to manufacture, reliable and easy to repair. Versus a Grundig radio which was more expensive to manufacture, not so reliable due to complexity and it took more time and money to repair it.  Same approach continuous in the Space Age.

While writing the article I am listening to "The Dark Side of The Moon", I Love this album.

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