Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Standardize The Batteries for a Greener World

Standardization of batteries is critical for a greener world. Most rechargeable batteries are not fully recyclable and there is no standardization of their dimensions and electrical parameters.  

The standardization will allow the manufacturers to design their products with no consideration for the battery. They will just allocate the necessary space and place the standardized battery management module appropriate for their products. With the non-standardized world, we have poor quality batteries dominating the aftermarket. The big battery manufacturing companies cannot invest in thousands of different battery types so the market is left to sub-par manufacturers which yields more battery waste for the world.

Standardization allows new technologies to penetrate the market much faster. With non-standardized world, the manufacturers make long term agreements with battery manufacturers and lock themselves to a technology. An example: When I was a kid, I powered my Walkman with Zinc battery which lasted for an hour. Later alkaline batteries were available which lasted for much longer. Later I found about rechargeable NiCd batteries and used them which let me use the same battery many times. Later NiMH batteries were available which were rechargeable and lasted much longer and I used them. All this time the Walkman stayed the same but the experience changed. 

I propose, the cars using standardized batteries to be sold without a battery and the battery to be leased including the energy. For example, one pays 300 Euros monthly for battery leasing which includes 200kWh monthly charge included with the fee. With this system new battery technologies can be deployed faster, after each battery swap the old batteries are replaced with the new ones. 

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