An ecosphere, is a sealed glass aquarium in which a self-sustaining ecosystem exists. Algae, bacteria, micro-organisms and shrimp share the space, and all that is needed for the ecosystem to survive - which it can do for a number of years - is an indirect source of light and an agreeably mild temperature. The ecosphere is a closed system, which by definition means energy is free to leave and enter but matter must remain confined within.
Astronomer Carl Sagan was quick to highlight the elemental symbiosis of its inhabitants: 'They breathe each other’s waste gases. Their solid wastes cycle also, among plants and animals and microorganisms. In this small Eden, the inhabitants have an extremely intimate relationship.'
I propose we develop EcoSphere to be tested in Space. It would be accommodated in a small satellite in Low Earth Orbit. The satellite would control the light entering the closed ecosystem and keep it in controlled temperatures. It would continuously monitor the life within the EcoSphere and broadcast live to the Earth. The idea is to experiment different ecosystems quickly and cheaply. Later, modified versions can be deployed on the Moon, Venus and the Mars.
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