Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Motivating the White-Collar

I would like to rephrase my article from 2017 and add some points to that.

İnsan Yönetimi Üzerine

Mainstream capitalist firm approach of managing a firm is to do more with less people. I propose the opposite. The company hierarchy should utilize more redundancy at the higher hierarchy. When ones brain is over utilized one starts to make bad decisions which is disastrous for the whole firm. There should be less burden on upper management and therefore can see the big picture clearly with less noise due to overloaded brain. More critically they shouldn't get the lion's share of the total salary.  The company should be operated like a professional orchestra. As the individual becomes more productive and yield quality results one should earn much more. Earnings should be like in a video game. As you succeed you earn more points, higher salary. The tasks will be divided into smaller subtasks that can be accomplished with several hours of work. As one accomplishes that subtask and submits it, one earns part of the salary set for that subtask. The rest of the salary would be earned after the quality review. Employee would be paid the next day by the amount of salary the one earns the day before. The employees would be motivated like in a video game; work hard, do quality work and receive the award the next day. Like in a game as you earn more money you are eligible for higher earning subtasks. Therefore, ones earning increase exponentially if they keep doing good work. Sub-tasking allows flexible working as well. When you have time, you work hard and earn more. Also, tasks do not depend on individuals for completion which also supports flexible working.

This method of working should be supported by high value adding strategy. If the employee's outcome is for a low value adding project or a product, you cannot finance the system. I will discuss this on another article.

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