Thursday, December 19, 2024

European Space Portal (ESP)

The objective of this proposal is to come up with a solution that requires minimum exported raw materials and can be quickly implemented and monetized with different means.

ESP will be located in Frisia. Exact location can be determined by Germany and Netherlands. It will be comprised of a large airfield, manufacturing and testing facilities, offices and tourist theme park. The offshore wind farms will produce the necessary electricity as well as produce hydrogen and oxygen. German Ruhr coal will be converted to methane as well. The airfield will serve dual purpose as the launch field for the Multiplane Stage Zero of the Space Rocket as well as an ordinary airport. Accessibility to ESP will be by sea, air, train and road. Multiplane Stage Zero will utilize liquid methane (LCH₄) and liquid oxygen (LOX) as fuel. Some stages of Space Rocket will use LCH₄+LOX and others will utilize Carbon Nano particle based solid propellent (for reliability and compactness). The elevated launch of the rocket will minimize the use of exotic heat shielding materials that ae exported. Solid propellent stage casings can be recovered and reused like in US Space Shuttle Boosters.

Multiplane Stage Zero would be a tourist attraction and can be easily monetized as souvenirs. The launch will be a simple plane takeoff. Therefore, people can watch closely with minimum safety problems compared to rocket takeoffs. Part of ESP will be like Legoland which will help the finance as well as attract talented people to European Space Agency compared to NASA and SpaceX.

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