Tuesday, February 18, 2025

ARIANE 6x0 and 6x4

Motivation is the fuel of engineering challenges. I propose Europe to come up with quick solutions to improve the motivation of the scientists and the engineers. During World Wars such quick solutions helped to win the war by gaining time for the major improvement.

Europe's Ariane 62 rocket has two solid boosters besides the main Lower Liquid Propulsion Module. I propose Ariane 6x0 rocket with solid boosters removed. The rest of the rocket remains the same. It can be Europe's first reusable rocket using the Catcher In The Fly Design I had proposed earlier. The payload would be considerably lower but reusability and its motivation would compensate for that. 

When this idea is tested and justified, another variant can be released with 4 x Ariane 6 connected together from the Lower Liquid Propulsion Module (First Stage) and the Upper Liquid Propulsion Module (Second Stage). The Payload Fairing can be a unified large dome. This would increase the payload to orbit and allow larger but lighter louds to be deployed such as a space telescope.

Finally, a new Lower Liquid Propulsion Module would be designed to accommodate 5 x Vulcain engines to form the first stage of a planetary rocket.

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