Thursday, February 6, 2025

Delta Wing Rocket

Since the beginning the rockets were long cylinders. As the reusable stages are the current norm, it is time to change the shape. I propose a delta wing shaped rocket design. The main objectives of this design are to utilize the air lift capacity of the lower atmosphere and to improve the stage recoverability.

I propose the use of Nitrous Oxide (N₂O) + Acetylene (C₂H₂) Rocket Fuel (NOA) as I discussed earlier. This design does not require complex turbopumps, is throttleable and has relatively high specific impulse. The lifting force of the air due to wing shape and low-bypass nozzle design would reduce the fuel consumption of the first stage. The wing design would allow the rocket to stay airborne at lower speeds. As the altitude increases the rocket's speed would increase. Slower acceleration would reduce the stress and heat on the rocket body.

Important note! This is not a giant space shuttle. I just change the casing shape of the rocket from cylinder to wing shaped triangular form.

The rocket would lift of vertically and quickly transform into spiraling ascent mode. However, the returning stage would land on an airstrip to reduce the fuel needed for vertical landing compared to a horizontal one. Unlike the old space shuttle, the stages will have fuel left on board which would allow proper maneuverability and slowing down. The wing design would also allow the very fast second or third stages to be safely land close to the launch site.

Finally, two or more of these rockets can be connected with spacing to carry large objects to the space. At the moment the diameter of the payload is restricted with the diameter of the rocket. Lower speeds at dense air allows non aerodynamic shapes to be transported to the space as well. Such as space telescopes.

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