Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Designs Optimized For Robotic Construction

Almost all of my renewable energy ideas require robotic construction. Enthought there are some giant renewable energy companies. They mainly produce the equipment in mass quantities and this makes them giant. Unfortunately developing new methods are not their core competence. Sector relies on startups for that and the startups almost never reach mass production. Industry requires vertically and horizontally integrated companies that develop new approaches fast and in large scale.

The future is robotic based construction. This includes robotic buildable wind turbines. Current turbines are not optimized for robotic construction. Erecting more renewable energy generators require too much non-renewable resources. This is a flawed approach.

Unfortunately, the sector is not open for such new approaches and waits for their SpaceX like disruptive company to change their mindset.

Here is a demonstration of a tower build using robots. What I see from this video is, too little have been put into robotic construction technologies and the current status is far behind to construct wind turbines.

Robotic construction will change the world more than the AI. These robots do not need to be super intelligent. What is required is to find the optimal point where the constructional and robotical complexities meet.

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