Friday, February 7, 2025

Mobile Inflatable Wind Electric Generator

Mobile wind turbines are quite short and do not effectively generate electric in all conditions. Additionally, deploying them takes couple of workers' time. I propose the use of inflatable tubes with special shapes to utilize the wind energy at higher altitudes.  Current tallest inflatable tube is 50 meters. Therefore, reaching even higher with special materials is not that difficult. Don't forget that many wind turbines are 60 to 120 meters tall. The inflated tube would be made of durable high altitude balloon material, not the one time use meteorology balloon material. The electric would be generated by the flexible piezo electric films covered inside. The reinforcing carbon fibers used in the construction of the inflatable would double as the conductor of electricity. Piezo produces high voltage and low current which is OK for the carbon fibers non ideal conductivity.

The inflatable tube would be rolled like a fire hose. Therefore, the setup would be very compact. The deployment would be just pumping air into the tube. One advantage of piezo electric generation is that as the tube erects from the pumped air, the uncurled tube would start generating electricity. Once the pressure inside the tube is at a certain level, the pump would shut down and the tube would be air sealed. Only when the inside pressure drops, the pump would start again to increase the pressure.

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