Monday, February 3, 2025

Wind Farm Construction Using VTOL Bases

Electric generation from wind becomes more efficient as we increase the tower dimensions. However, it is expensive and very difficult to transport heavy and large blades and tower parts from the factory to the target area. I propose the building of VTOL (Vertical Take Off and Landing) Drone bases. The base will be a vertical wind turbine at the bottom and a VTOL nest at the top. Heavy lift VTOLs charge their batteries on these bases and reach the destination with their wind turbine payload. This setup can also be used to transport heavy construction equipment around the country. Additionally, they can be utilized in case of natural disasters, carrying necessary equipment to the affected area in short time. They can even extinguish fires using water or dry ice they carry. Depending on the battery technology the bases can be erected every 50 or 100 km.

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