Friday, February 21, 2025

Point Nemo

The spacecraft cemetery is a region in the southern Pacific Ocean where spacecraft that have reached the end of their usefulness are routinely crashed. The area is roughly centered on "Point Nemo", the oceanic pole of inaccessibility, the location farthest from any land. At least 264 spacecraft were disposed in this area between 1971 and 2016 including defunct space station MIR soon to be accompanied by ISS.

It is a dilemma. The space junk can be deorbited to the outer space which would require extensive amount of space launches which would pollute the land. Either we pollute the oceans with falling space junk or the land with more space launches to push the junk further away from Earth.

Will we see extraterrestrial corals forming on the space junk in Point Nemo in the future?

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